SECTION 1 Historical Perspective. Composition of the Body. Energy. Carbohydrates. Proteins. Fats. Alcohol: Its Metabolism and Effects. Fuels of Tissues. Energy Balance and Weight Regulation. Water and Monovalent Electrolytes. Bone Mineral. Iron, Zinc and Other Trace Elements. Fat-Soluble Vitamins. Water -Soluble Vitamins SECTION 2 Food Composition Tables. Cereals and Cereal Products. Vegetables, Fruits, Fungi and Their Products. Meat, Fish, Eggs and Novel Proteins. Milk and Milk Products, Fats and Oils. Beverages, Herbs and Spices. Food Processing. Pathogenic Agents in Food. Food Toxicity. Consumer Protection SECTION 3 Pregnancy and Lactation. Infant Nutrition. Childhood, Youth and Old Age. Exercise, Sport and Athletics SECTION 4 Nutritional Management of Clinical Undernutrition. Primary Protein-Energy Malnutrition. Sepsis and Trauma. Obesity. Nutritional Management of Diseases of the Stomach and Bowel. Nutrition and the Liver. Diabetes. Iodine Deficiency Disorders. Clinical Nutrition and Bone Disease. Dietary Factors in Dental Diseases. Nutritional Management of Diseases of the Blood. Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Tract. Diseases of the Heart and Circulation: The Role of Dietary Factors in Aetiology and Management. Diet in Relation to the Nervous System. Skin and Hair. Nutrition and the Immune System. Nutritional Factors and Cancer. The Low-Birthweight Infant. Dietetic Treatment of Inherited Metabolic Disease. Nutritional Management of Alcohol-Related Disease. Eating Disorders. Drug-Nutrient Interactions. Policy and a Prudent Diet. Appendix 1: Methods for Dietary Assessment. Appendix 2: Dietary Reference Values. Index