Software Development Process Assessment With MMIS v.2, an ISO/IEC 33000-Based Model

While, historically, software quality focused on identifying and mitigating defects, today, companies that want to digitally transform their products and services are changing the manner and scope of their quality assurance processes. Based on the ISO/IEC 33000 family of standards for process assessment, we have built a new maturity model called MMIS V2.0. This new model has been applied in more than 20 companies. Here, we present the experience of these companies in carrying out the MMIS implantation and certification, evaluating its usefulness, and obtaining feedback to improve it. In addition, during this study, we have identified the processes that are more difficult for companies to implement (based on their own perception and on the number of nonconformities identified during certification audits), as well as the main software tools and frameworks used to support the development lifecycle.