BRAINO: a machine language simulator

In an introductory course in computer science, often we are reluctant to giv e more tnan a brier noa to macnine language, usually discussing how the binar y number system is usea to represent various kinds of numbers in a computer. Bu t this is as deep as we get into machine code, so that how programs are handle a by a computer is ratner a "clack-oox pnenomenon" as far as the students ar e concerned. BRAINO is a nypothetical computer witn enough sophistication tha t it can De used to illustrate how machine language programs run on a computer. ORAIWO is not overly co m p licated ; thus, two or tnree class periods are all tna t is needed to present BRAINO, example programs and a programming assignment. what is BRAINO ? Figure 1 snows the pnysical features of a hypotnetical BRAINO .