Magnetohydrodynamic Energy Conversion

This book covers all aspects of one of the most important potential applications of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), namely large scale electric power generation. The presentation begins with the basic properties of ionized gases and ends with the performance of power plants. Along the way relevant scientific and engineering aspects of MHD application are considered. Both theory and experiment are discussed and references to ongoing work are provided. MHD, a combination of electrodynamics, fluid dynamics, plasma physics, and chemistry, is a subject of enormous breadth, and often of considerable mathematical complexity. It is used to explain the earth's magnetic field, the aurora borealis, the behavior of sunspots, and the gigantic jets that issues from the centers of galaxies. It is also of use in the ongoing effort to harness atomic energy by means of controlled thermonuclear fusion. This book filters out those aspects of the subjects that are relevant to engineering applications of MDH, specifically to power generation. In the process it also affords insights important for other applications, such as aerospace propulsion. For the person interested primarily in engineering applications, it thus offers a way to learn about a fascinating subject in a concise manner and from a practical point of view.