Quantization of deep convolutional networks

In recent years increasingly complex architectures for deep convolutional networks (DCNs) have been proposed to boost the performance on image recognition tasks. However, the gains in performance have come at a cost of substantial increase in computation and model storage resources. Implementation of quantized DCNs has the potential to alleviate some of these complexities and facilitate potential deployment on embedded hardware. In this paper, we experiment with three different quantizers for the implementation of DCNs. We denote them by min-max quantizer (MMQ), average quantizer (AQ) and histogram average quantizer (HAQ). We used a set of 8 different bit-widths (i.e one, two, …, eight bits) to quantize each DCN’s weight to run our experiments. Experimental results show that due to the non-destructive effect on the original distribution of HAQ, it outperforms both MMQ and AQ.

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