Enhetlighet i Helsingborgs stads arbete med offentlig kontroll av livsmedel

Food safety is a key component in securing people's health and environment in today's society. Within the European Union there are mutual laws regulating the food safety which are to be implemented uniformly in all member states. This study investigates a municipality's work in implementing a uniform handling of public supervision of food safety in Sweden. The examined municipality is Helsingborgs stad and the study's results are gathered through interviews with food safety inspectors and their head of the department. The results from the study show that the municipality has several different tools it offers its food safety inspectors. The study also shows that the municipality puts much effort into helping the inspectors work uniformly to ensure that the law regulating food safety is followed by local businesses. In conclusion there are several ways for municipalities to help its food safety inspectors work uniformly to ensure that the law is equally applied. But there is also a need for more studies on how other municipalities work with this issue and what the central authority does to aid in this work.