A synthesis of the circulation and hydrography of the South Aegean Sea and the Straits of the Cretan Arc (March 1994–January 1995)

Abstract Four seasonal oceanographic cruises were carried out in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, within the framework of the CEC/MAST-MTP Project PELAGOS, during 1994–1995. The surveys covered the South Aegean Sea and the adjacent open sea regions (southeastern Ionian, northwestern Levantine). Analysis of CTD data revealed that a multiscaled circulation pattern prevails in the area. It differs from the circulations detected during the 1986–87, thus indicating interannual variability. Cyclonic and anticyclonic gyres and eddies are interconnected by currents and jets variable in space and time. Most of the features are persistent, others seem transitional or recurrent. The hydrological structure is also complex and apart from the upper layer does not present basinwide any significant seasonality. Dynamical and hydrological regimes are variable in the upper and intermediate layers at the Straits of the Cretan Arc, while the deep regime seems rather constant. Topographic control is evident on the flows through the straits. The new very dense deep water mass, namely the Cretan Deep Water (CDW) and a well-defined intermediate layer of minimum temperature and salinity, the so-called Transition Mediterranean Water (TMW), consists the new important structural elements of the South Aegean Sea. The CDW outflows towards the deep and bottom layers of the Eastern Mediterranean, thus considerably contributing to the formation of the new, denser Deep and Bottom Water of the Eastern Mediterranean, which sinks and displaces the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water of Adriatic origin in the adjacent sea regions outside the Aegean Sea.

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