Next Generation Users: The Internet in Britain
This report focuses on the emergence of “next generation users” in Britain, Internet users who are developing a new pattern of Internet access. We follow the emerging next generation users throughout the next eight sections that summarise the details and highlights of the 2011 Oxford Internet Survey. The report closes with a methodological appendix. The first detailed section of the report focuses on describing the diffusion of the Internet as an innovation in information and communication technology (ICT). The second section focuses on the characteristics and attitudes of Internet users. The third part describes how people with different backgrounds use the Internet, followed by a fourth part which looks specifically at the use of the Internet in politics and government. The fifth section turns to the question of how the Internet is reshaping friendships and social networks. The sixth section looks at the social implications of Internet use. The seventh section examines beliefs and attitudes of individuals about the control and regulation of the Internet. The final section examines the key issue of exclusion, either by social and economic divides or by personal choice, describing non-users and former users. Each section opens with an overview of the trends described in the section.