Simulation of wind loading and response of geometrically non-linear structures with particular reference to large antennas

Abstract The study of the response of wind-loaded flexible structures generates several problems, related to the collection of significant experimental data and the modelling of the random wind velocity field, fluid-structure interaction and actual structural behaviour. This paper presents some results of recent research on these problems. The first part of the paper tackles the modelling and simulation of wind velocity and presents the treatment of some direct measurements on the site of an important broadcasting antenna located on Monte Nerone (Appennine Mountains) on the Italia watershed, 1500 m above sea level. The second part deals with the problem of determining structural response under wind loading. Because of the impracticability of operating in the frequency domain in the presence of non-linearities, simulation and direct step-by-step integration in the time domain have been chosen. Two specific examples are presented, both pertaining to guyed antennas, for which non-linearities have been shown to be significant. The effects of ice formations on the mast and / orthe stays have also been investigated.