Handbook of Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology: Author Index
Introduction to the second edition Harry T. Reis and Charles M. Judd 1. Scratch an itch with a brick: why we do research Susan T. Fiske Part I. Design and Inference Considerations: 2. Research design and issues of validity Marilynn B. Brewer and William D. Crano 3. Research design Eliot R. Smith 4. Causal inference and generalization in field settings: experimental and quasi-experimental designs Stephen G. West, Heining Cham and Yu Liu 5. Field research methods Elizabeth Levy Paluck and Robert B. Cialdini Part II. Procedural Possibilities: 6. Using physiological indexes in social psychological research Jim Blascovich 7. Research methods in social and affective neuroscience Eliot T. Berkman, William A. Cunningham and Matthew D. Lieberman 8. Behavior genetic research methods: testing quasi-causal hypotheses using multivariate twin data Erica Turkheimer and K. Paige Harden 9. Methods of small group research Norbert L. Kerr and R. Scott Tindale 10. Inducing and measuring emotion and affect: tips, tricks, and secrets Karen S. Quigley, Kristen A. Lindquist and Lisa Feldman Barrett 11. Complex dynamical systems in social and personality psychology: theory, modeling, and analysis Michael J. Richardson, Rick Dale and Kerry L. Marsh 12. Implicit measures in social and personality psychology Bertram Gawronski and Jan De Houwer 13. The mind in the middle: a practical guide to priming and automaticity research John A. Bargh and Tanya L. Chartrand 14. Behavioral observation and coding Richard E. Heyman, Michael F. Lorber, J. Mark Eddy and Tessa V. West 15. Methods for studying everyday experience in its natural context Harry T. Reis, Shelley L. Gable and Michael R. Maniaci 16. Survey research Jon A. Krosnick, Paul L. Lavrakas and Nuri Kim 17. Conducting research on the Internet Michael R. Maniaci and Ronald D. Rogge Part III. Data Analytic Strategies: 18. Measurement, reliability, construct validation, and scale construction Oliver P. John and Veronica Benet-Martinez 19. Exploring causal and noncausal hypotheses in nonexperimental data Leandre R. Fabrigar and Duane T. Wegener 20. Advanced psychometrics: confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory, and the study of measurement invariance Keith F. Widaman and Kevin J. Grimm 21. Multilevel and longitudinal modeling Alexander M. Schoemann, Mijke Rhemtulla and Todd D. Little 22. The design and analysis of data from dyads and groups David A. Kenny and Deborah A. Kashy 23. Nasty data: unruly, ill-mannered observations can ruin your analysis Gary H. McClelland 24. Missing data analysis Gina L. Mazza and Craig K. Enders 25. Meditation and moderation Charles M. Judd, Vincent Y. Yzerbyt and Dominique Muller 26. Meta-analysis of research in social and personality psychology Blair T. Johnson and Alice H. Eagly.