Study of Sierpinski triangle gasket

An investigation of the application for mobile communication, RADAR, WLAN, of uniform branch length ratios for Sierpinski triangle designs is presented. An analysis is performed to examine the parameters of antenna with a frequency range in between 1 GHz to 6 GHz, at various operating frequency with a VSWR < 2 and return loss<-10 dB of similar antenna structures. This paper shows the design of Sierpinski triangle, which uses unique fractal geometry. Designs of a Sierpinski triangle gasket with a small capacitive-feed strip are proposed here. The performance of an equilateral Sierpinski triangle gasket has been studied extensively. The locations of the feed strip with respect to the triangle have also been investigated. The behaviors of an antenna are investigated such as return loss, VSWR, bandwidth, radiation pattern. Simulations have been done by using different iterations. The antenna also shows Omnidirectional radiation patterns and good gain flatness over the frequency range of interest. We are examining this aspect by designing triangular patch geometries for the different resonant frequency and optimizing feed configurations. We are also trying to test other shapes of feeding. Though with very simple geometry, the results are satisfactory.