Automatic Parametric Hull Form Optimization of Fast Naval Vessels

In the present paper the final outcomes of a research project between the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering of the University of Genoa and Cetena S.p.A. for the Italian Navy in the frame of National Defence Research Plan are presented. A study about the automatic optimization of the fore hull forms of a fast frigate has been carried out. On the basis of a technical specification provided by the Italian Navy, the initial shape of the hull has been defined by means of an accurate preliminary design leading to a set of geometrical constraints for the optimization process. The fully automatic optimization chain has been implemented adopting the ModeFrontier optimization environment to interface the Friendship-Framework (parametric definition of the hull shape), the CFD codes developed by CETENA S.p.A. (to predict the steady wave resistance and unsteady seakeeping performances of each design candidate), and a MOGA genetic algorithm. Numerical results have been validated by means of calm water model tests performed at the Towing Tank of the Department of Naval Architecture and Electrical Engineering (DINAEL) of the University of Genoa. Notwithstanding the rather high number of constraints, which limit geometry variations, it was possible to obtain an optimal solution, and results have been confirmed by the experimental tests.