Digital signal processing using virtual instruments
The area of test and measurement is changing rapidly because of the recent developments in software and hardware. The test and measurement systems are increasingly becoming PC based. Most of these PC based systems use graphical programming language to design test and measurement modules called virtual instruments (Vis). These Vis provide visual representation of dat or models, and make understanding of abstract concepts and algorithms easier. This allows users to express their ideas in a concise manner. One such virtual instruments package is LabVIEW from National Instruments Corporation at Austin, Texas. This software package is one of the first graphical programming products and is currently used in number of academic institutions, industries, Department of Defense graphical programming products and is currently sued in number of academic institutions, industries, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration for various test, measurement, and control applications. LabVIEW has an extensive built-in VI library that can be used to design and develop solutions for different applications. Besides using the built-in VI library that can be used to design and develop solutions for different applications. Besides using the built-in VI modules in LabVIEW, the user can design new VI modules easily. This paper discusses the use of LabVIEW to design and develop digital signal processing VI modules such as Fourier Analysis and Windowing. Instructors can use these modules to teach some of the signal processing concepts effectively.