Co-operative Scheduled Energy Aware Load-Balancing technique for an Efficient Computational Cloud

Cloud Computing in the recent years has been taking its evolution from the scientific to the non scientific and commercial applications. Power consumption and Load balancing are very important and complex problem in computational Cloud. A computational Cloud differs from traditional high-performance computing systems in the heterogeneity of the computing nodes, as well as the communication links that connect the different nodes together. Load Balancing is a very important component in the commodity services based cloud computing. There is a need to develop algorithms that can capture this complexity yet can be easily implemented and used to solve a wide range of loadbalancing scenarios in a Data and Computing intensive applications. In this paper, we propose to find the best EFFICIENT cloud resource by Co-operative Power aware Scheduled Load Balancing solution to the Cloud loadbalancing problem. The algorithm developed combines the inherent efficiency of the centralized approach, energy efficient and the fault-tolerant nature of the distributed environment like Cloud.