BASICS II midterm evaluation of the AIN program in Honduras 2000. Survey report.
This report represents the results of the 2000 midterm houshold survey and compares Atencion Integral a la Ninez (Integrated Attention to the Child or AIN) program communities with control communities served by the same health centers. The AIN program is the national growth monitoring and promotion strategy of the Ministry of Health of Honduras. The objective of the AIN midterm survey is to provide information on the variables including program participation and knowledge attitudes and practices at the household level. The survey results show that in spite of having poorer living conditions lower overall socioeconomic status less access to health services lower maternal education levels and more live births per month than caretakers surveyed in control communities AIN caretakers have made impressive strides since the baseline survey in 1998 in a number of variables analyzed in this report. Variables that showed increased rates included exclusive breastfeeding among children under six months of age and the use of oral rehydration therapy among children with diarrhea. The survey also found that coverage of the AIN program is almost universal in the Honduras communities surveyed with 92% of children under two years of age enrolled. (authors)