Computer-Managed Instruction in the Navy: IV. The Effects of Test Item Format on Learning and Knowledge Retention.

Abstract : The relative effectiveness of multiple-choice (MC) and constructed-response (CR) test formats in computer-managed instruction (CMI) was compared. Most CMI tests use the familiar MC format with standard answer forms because they can be machine-scored and sent directly into the computer. CR formats, which require students to generate their own written answers to each item, cannot be directly input to the computer, but they permit a more varied range of student responses. The MC format was compared with three variations of the CR format using four test groups, each consisting of 30 trainees assigned nonsystematically from the basics course at the propulsion Engineering School, Great Lakes Naval Training Center. No measurable differences were found among the groups in amount of learning. This result implies that the MC format is preferable since it is less costly and is compatible with the current CMI system. The CR group that was given no prompts or cues as to the possible answers showed better retention of what they had learned. However, this format is least compatible with the CMI system, and was more time consuming for students and staff. Before this CR format could be operationally feasible, costs would have to be controlled significantly possibly, in part, by developing a CMI capability for automatic processing of CR's. (Author)