Futures visions for South-east Asia: some early warning signals

Organized by the lnstitut Kajian Dasar (IKD) or Institute for Policy Research and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) a workshop on Futures Visions for Southeast Asia was held in Penang, Malaysia on 15-l 8 September 1994. The lnstitut Kajian Dasar is an independent policy research organization committed to investigating economic and social development trends and practices in Malaysia. It takes into account the moral and ethical dimensions of development as well as the political and the economic. The WFSF is an international nongovernmental organization affiliated with UNESCO. It has more than 500 members from over 90 nations. Members conduct futures research and policy making and are from corporate, governmental and NGO sectors of society. They are committed to the view that the future should be kept open and that all cultures should be actively