연구논문 : 유아캠프 지도자의 직무만족에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the difference of the early child camp leaders in according to gender, having license ar not, salary, teaching carrier. Subject of this study were comprised of 189 early child camp leaders who teach camp program in kyung-ki-do area by the cluster random sampling. Statistics employed in the study were analysis of variance(ANOVA). Based on the procedures and results, the conclusions were drawn as follow; First, The type of gender among the early child camp leader, there is significant difference in the relationship of the responsible leader and active leader, a characteristics of job. Second, The type of having licence and not among the early child camp leader, there is significant difference in salary, a characteristics of job. Third, The type of carrier among the early child camp leader, there is differences in salary, working environment, relationship of responsible leader, management plan of a camp. Forth, The type of one month`s salary among early child camp leader, there is differences in salary, working environment, relationship of responsible leader, management plan of a camp.