Two subjects that lie close to Sieb Nooteboom’s professional heart are speech perception and vowel duration, and I am therefore pleased that I can combine these two interests in my contribution to this volume. I am concerned with the difference between acoustic duration and perceived duration, which concepts differ in a similar way to fundamental frequency and pitch. I will claim that vowel height affects perceived duration, in the sense that higher vowels sound longer than lower vowels when acoustic durations are equal. That is, vowel height and perceived duration are positively correlated. In section 2, I present the results of a perception experiment with Dutch listeners which shows this correlation. In sections 3 and 4 I deal with the two main questions that this finding raises. The first concerns the reason for this correlation. I will argue that it is to be sought in a mechanism of compensatory listening, and will cite other cases in the literature that have been given parallel explanations. The second question is whether the correlation is of any significance for the phonetics or phonology of languages. Here, I will argue that it solves a two cases of vowel raising, one phonetic and one phonological, in English and Limburgian Dutch, respectively.
Elliott Moreton,et al.
Realization of the English postvocalic [voice] contrast in F1 and F2
J. Phonetics.
K. Stevens,et al.
Primary Features and Their Enhancement in Consonants
Carlos Gussenhoven,et al.
The dialect of Maastricht
Paul Boersma,et al.
Praat, a system for doing phonetics by computer
Catherine G. Wolf,et al.
Voicing cues in English final stops
W. V. Summers.
Effects of stress and final-consonant voicing on vowel production: articulatory and acoustic analyses.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
W. G. Moulton,et al.
The vowels of Dutch: Phonetic and distributional classes
C. Gussenhoven.
Explaining two correlations between vowel quality and tone: The duration connection
Paul Boersma,et al.
Praat: doing phonetics by computer