Issues in the Teaching of Mathematics.
There are selected issues in mathematics instruction which educators should be well aware of when planning lessons and units of study. These issues provide a basis for thought and discussion when assisting pupils to attain more optimally. Purposeful studying of issues guides mathematics teachers in emphasizing what is relevant in the curriculum. Which issues appear to be relevant? Developing a Relevant Mathematics Curriculum There has been a debate pertaining to indepth teaching versus survey procedures. Thus, the issue pertains to teaching mathematical concepts and generalizations depthwise as compared to covering more topics in mathematics in a similar amount of time, making for a survey procedure. Time in teaching each concept and generalization must be considered in making this decision. The important point here is that adequate time must be given to assist pupils to attach meaning in the ongoing teaching and learning experiences. Indepth processes are to be favored; however the scope of the curriculum needs to be considered also. How broad should the scope be in mathematics which then allows pupils to truly understand subject matter. It appears that the scope of the mathematics curriculum will be narrower with indepth teaching, since more time will be necessary to achieve conceptual as well as generalizations in learning. The scope is broadened with survey procedures, but less time available for teaching each vital concept and generalization. Might the two points of view view be harmonized with more effective management practices including minimizing discipline problems in order to keep pupils on task, ways of checking pupil attendance, gathering and returning pupil work in mathematics, as well as utilizing the psychology of learning in teaching. The psychology of learning stresses the securing and maintaining pupil interest in the ongoing lesson. Much time is wasted when pupils look out the window and concentrate on something else than the the lesson being presented. Materials and methods of instruction need to be utilized which favor attention getting approaches, focusing upon objectives of instruction. Interest is a powerful factor in learning. Thus, concrete objects, semi-concrete materials (pictures, illustrations, video tapes, computers and other related technology), as well as the abstract must become an inherent part of the teaching and learning process in mathematics. Inappropriate selection of materials of instruction hinder pupil achievement. Then too, the methods of instruction need careful attention. Inquiry learning as well as other inductive methods aid learner progress and encourages active involvement of pupils in the curriculum. Problem solving, also, assists pupils to become motivated learners, especially those problems possessing personal purpose. Verification of answers supplied by pupils need to be emphasized. Thus, pupils provide information on how they engaged in obtaining answers (Ediger, 2013). Too frequently, standardized test scores are the only measurement device looked at when appraising pupil performance in mathematics. …