메타분석을 통한 초등학생 영어 어휘 지도방법의 효과 비교

The purpose of this paper is to synthesize researches on English vocabulary teaching with particular emphasis on methodological differences and their effects in elementary school setting. A body of researches were consolidated for the meta-analysis. Out of 129 initial list 29 experimental researches were qualified to be included in the final list for the analysis by passing through the selective criteria being number of participants, independent pairs test, methodological independent causes and experimental researches. The researches were analyzed by their teaching method, method of presenting vocabulary, types of materials. The findings are: (1) Both explicit and implicit methods were effective, but their difference did not make any significant discrepancies of effects. (2) Method of presenting vocabulary included picture, context, translation, and all of them were over and beyond medium size effects, but translation was most effective. (3) Both message-focused and language-focused materials caused big effects. The findings can be used as a guideline for English vocabulary teaching syllabus development in elementary schools.