As terrorist attacks continue all over the world and, therefore, the alarming rate of countries governments as well as the awareness of people about danger is significantly increasing, in recent years high explosive airblast effects assessment and protection have become a fundamental concern for structural designers. In this article, the implementation of an original predictive tool based on the literature empirical data to develop analyses of blast loading consequent to a bomb explosion is described. The in-house developed model enables the fast calculation of the distribution of the main blast wave parameters around and over three-dimensional complex geometries virtually reproducing potential attractive targets for terrorists. Considering these capabilities, the use of the proposed novel methodology is desirable in the preparatory and retrofit design in view of evaluating blast-induced adverse consequences and, accordingly, to identify and effectively set up the most appropriate protective strategies and countermeasures.
Alexander Remennikov,et al.
A review of methods for predicting bomb blast effects on buildings
Sam D. Clarke,et al.
Angle of Incidence Effects on Far-Field Positive and Negative Phase Blast Parameters
D. Badouel.
An efficient ray-polygon intersection
Tomas Akenine-Möller,et al.
Fast, Minimum Storage Ray-Triangle Intersection
J. Graphics, GPU, & Game Tools.
David Cormie,et al.
Blast Effects on Buildings
Sam D. Clarke,et al.
The Negative Phase of the Blast Load