아스팔트 콤크리트의 유전율 측정 및 공극률 추정 연구
This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between the dielectric constant and air void of asphalt concrete. Standard specimens that have air voids of various range (0% ~ 20%) were used to measure the dielectric constant using parallel plate method that measures low frequency dielectric constant. From the tests, dielectric constant of asphalt concrete was tend to decrease as the frequency was increased, and the decrement slope was varied with the types of asphalt binders. Dielectric constant was decreased linearly as air void was increased from zero to twenty percent. Consequently, the effect of temperature and moisture content on dielectric constants of asphalt concrete was evaluated to develop the standard curve between dielectric constant and air void of asphalt concrete. The standard curve developed in this study can be used to calibrate or develop the algorithm of non-destructive density gauge.