Stability radius of polynomials occurring in the numerical solution of initial value problems

This paper deals with polynomial approximationsφ(x) to the exponential function exp(x) related to numerical procedures for solving initial value problems. Motivated by stability requirements, we present a numerical study of the largest diskD(ρ)={z ∈ C: |z+ρ|≤ρ} that is contained in the stability regionS(φ)={z ∈C: |φ(z)|≤1}. The radius of this largest disk is denoted byr(φ), the stability radius. On the basis of our numerical study, several conjectures are made concerningrm,p=sup {r(φ):φ εΠm,p}. HereΠm, p (1≤p≤m; p, m integers) is the class of all polynomialsφ(x) with real coefficients and degree ≤m for whichφ(x)=exp(x)+O(xp+1) (forx → 0).