A topological colorful Helly theorem

Abstract Let F 1 ,…, F d+1 be d+1 families of convex sets in R d . The Colorful Helly Theorem (see (Discrete Math. 40 (1982) 141)) asserts that if ⋂ i=1 d+1 F i ≠∅ for all choices of F 1 ∈ F 1 ,…,F d+1 ∈ F d+1 then there exists an 1⩽i⩽d+1 such that ⋂ F∈ F i F≠∅ . Our main result is both a topological and a matroidal extension of the colorful Helly theorem. A simplicial complex X is d-Leray if H i (Y; Q )=0 for all induced subcomplexes Y⊂X and i⩾d. Theorem.LetXbe ad-Leray complex on the vertex setV. Suppose M is a matroidal complex on the same vertex setVwith rank functionρ. IfM⊂Xthen there exists a simplexτ∈Xsuch thatρ(V−τ)⩽d.