Teaching electronics assembling, inspection and test technologies in Elect2EAT
In the Central-Eastern European region, electronics assembling technology is a very important field, because there are several assembling companies employing many people. With the Elect2EAT project, the partner countries - Romania, Slovakia and Hungary - intended to address the personnel working in this field. A public, multi-lingual e-learning material was developed for distance learning use to educate secondary school students, skilled and unskilled workers. For high quality production, quality management is an essential part of the production process. Inspection and test techniques are the tools for assure quality of the products. A whole chapter is dedicated to the test techniques like optical-, X-ray-, acoustic- and electron microscopy, in-circuit and functional testing. The theoretical basics of these methods are essential to be able to understand and use the equipment properly and highly efficiently in practice. These - mainly automatic - testing machines are represented in every assembling line, so every person will meet them who work in an assembling company.