Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) to Improve Sheeter Machine Performance

This paper purpose is an evaluation of TPM implementation, as a case study at sheeter machine cut size line 5 finishing department, PT RAPP, Indonesia. Research methodology collected the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) data of sheeter machine and computed its scores. Then, OEE analysis big losses, statistical analysis using SPSS 20 and focused maintenance evaluation of TPM were performed. The data collected to machine sheeter’s production for 10 months (January-October 2016). The data analyses was resulted the OEE average score of 82.75%. This score was still below the world class OEE (85%) and the company target (90%). Based the big losses of OEE analysis was obtained the reduce speed losses, which most significant losses of OEE scores. The reduce speed losses value was 44.79% of total losses during the research period. The high score of these losses due to decreasing of machine production speed by operators, which intended to improve the quality of resulting products. The OEE scores statistical analysis was found breakdown losses and reduces speed losses, which significantly affected to OEE scores. Implementations of focused maintenance of TPM in the case study may need to improve because there were still occurred un-expecting losses during the research period.