On the Shock-Response-Spectrum Recursive Algorithm of Kelly and Richman

The monograph Principles and Techniques of Shock Data Analysis written by Kelly and Richman in 1969 has become a seminal reference on the shock response spectrum (SRS) [1]. Because of its clear physical descriptions and mathematical presentation of the SRS, it has been cited in multiple handbooks on the subject [2, 3] and research articles [4 10]. Because of continued interest, two additional versions of the monograph have been published: a second edition by Scavuzzo and Pusey in 1996 [11] and a reprint of the original edition in 2008 [12]. The main purpose of this note is to correct several typographical errors in the manuscript's presentation of a recursive algorithm for SRS calculations. These errors are consistent across all three editions of the monograph. The secondary purpose of this note is to present a Matlab implementation of the corrected algorithm.