Role of Variable Tillage Depths on the Seed Bank Dynamics of Phalaris minor Retz. in Wheat

Dry matter of Phalaris minor recorded at the time of harvest was found to be lower in the wheat crop sown after giving deep/inverted tillage with mould board plough during the start of the experiment and consequently the number of seeds of P minor in the top 0–15 cm soil depth was found to be significantly less in these treatments as compared to the plots of continuous zero till sown crop for three years. Post-emergence application of clodinafop 60 g ha−1, sulfosulfuron 25 g ha−1 and fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 100 g ha−1 was found to be at par with respect to dry matter accumulation by P minor. However, seed bank recorded during the year of termination was found to be significantly less in clodinafop, sulfosulfuron as compared to fenoxaprop-p-ethyl treated plots. Wheat sown after giving inverted tillage (during 2001–02) produced significantly higher grain yield as compared to the crop sown with zero tillage or zero tillage followed by normal tillage.