A new set of basis functions for the discrete geometric approach

By exploiting the geometric structure behind Maxwell's equations, the so called discrete geometric approach allows to translate the physical laws of electromagnetism into discrete relations, involving circulations and fluxes associated with the geometric elements of a pair of interlocked grids: the primal grid and the dual grid. To form a finite dimensional system of equations, discrete counterparts of the constitutive relations must be introduced in addition. They are referred to as constitutive matrices which must comply with precise properties (symmetry, positive definiteness, consistency) in order to guarantee the stability and consistency of the overall finite dimensional system of equations. The aim of this work is to introduce a general and efficient set of vector functions associated with the edges and faces of a polyhedral primal grids or of a dual grid obtained from the barycentric subdivision of the boundary of the primal grid; these vector functions comply with precise specifications which allow to construct stable and consistent discrete constitutive equations for the discrete geometric approach in the framework of an energetic method.

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