Exploring Mercury: The Iron Planet
Preface List of Figs, Tables and Plates Additional information on CD 1. The Twilight Planet 2. The Mariner 10 Mission 3. Mercury's Motions 4. Mercury's Size, Mass and Density 5. Mercury's Magnetic Field and Internal Constitution 6. Mercury's Surface-Bounded Exosphere 7. General Surface Features and Radar Characteristics 8. Surface Composition 9. The Impact Cratering Record 10. Plains: Smooth and Intercrater 11. Tectonics 12. History and Origin 13. Future Exploration of Mercury Appendix A Orbital and Physical Data for Mercury Appendix B Glossary and Terms Appendix C Names and Locations of Mercury's Surface Features Bibliography Index Appendix 1. Glossary of Terms 2. Orbital and Physical Data of Mercury 3. Names and Locations of Mercury's Surface Features CD ROM Containing 1. README explanation of CD contents and instructions for minimal image processing 2. All good 1st, 2nd , and 3rd encounter Mariner 10 Images (about 1000) 3. PC and Macintosh Software for opening and manipulating images (NIH Image public domain software) 4. Possibly Digital Maps and Mariner 10 photomosaics 5. Some MESSENGER graphics including a movie of the spacecraft trajectory.