Recent developments in deployment analysis simulation using a multi-body computer code
Deployment is a candidate mode for construction of structural space systems components. By its very nature, deployment is a dynamic event, often involving large angle unfolding of flexible beam members. Validation of proposed designs and conceptual deployment mechanisms is enhanced through analysis. Analysis may be used to determine member loads thus helping to establish deployment rates and deployment control requirements for a given concept. Futhermore, member flexibility, joint free-play, manufacturing tolerances, and imperfections can affect the reliability of deployment. Analyses which include these effects can aid in reducing risks associated with a particular concept. Ground tests which can play a similar role to that of analyses are difficult and expensive to perform. Suspension systems just for vibration ground tests of large space structures in a 1 g environment present many challenges. Suspension of a structure which spatially expands is even more challenging. Analysis validation through experimental confirmation on relatively small simple models would permit analytical extrapolation to larger more complex space structures.