The calcium and magnesium binding sites on troponin and their role in the regulation of myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase.

Purified troponin (Tn), the complex of the Ca-2+ binding subunit (TnC), the inhibitory subunit (TnI), and the tropomyosin binding subunit (TnT) binds 4 mol of Ca-2+ per mol. Two sites bind Ca-2+ with a binding constant of 5 times 10-8 M- minus 1, and two with a binding constant of 5 times 10-6 M- minus 1. In the presence of 2 mM MgCl2 the binding to four sites can be characterized with a single affinity constant of 5 times 10-6 M- minus 1. Purified TnC also binds 4 mol of Ca-2+ per mol; two sites have a binding constant of 2 times 10-7 M- minus 1 and two have one of 2 times 10-5 M- minus 1. In the presence of 2 mM MgCl2 the binding constant of the sites of higher affinity is reduced to 2 times 10-6 M- minus 1, while Ca-2+ binding to the sites of lower affinity is unaffected. Assuming competition between Mg-2+ and Ca-2+ for the high affinity sites on TnC and Tn, the changes in Ca-2+ binding can be accounted for with KMg values of 5 times 10-3 M- minus 1 and 5 times 10-4 M- minus 1, respectively. Tn and TnC bind 4 mol of Mg-2+ per mol in the absence of Cs-2+. The fact that at [Ca-2+] similar to 10- minus 5 M four Ca-2+ and only two Mg-2+ are bound per mol of TnC in the presence of 2 mM Mg-2+ further supports the view that there is direct competition between Mg-2+ and Ca-2+ for the high affinity Ca-2+ binding sites on TnC and Tn. These results then suggest that Tn and TnC contain six divalent cation binding sites: two high affinity Ca-2+ binding sites that also bind Mg-2+ competitively (Ca-2+-Mg-2+ sites); two sites with lower affinity for Ca-2+ that do not bind Mg-2+ (Ca-2+-specific sites); and two sites that bind Mg-2+ but not Ca-2+ (Mg-2+-specific sites). The complex of TnC and TnI (1:1 molar ratio) has the same binding properties as Tn, suggesting a conformational change in TnC upon interaction with TnI. Studies on myofibrillar ATPase activity as a function of free Ca-2+ concentration at two different free Mg-2+ concentrations suggest that full activation by Ca-2+ occurs only upon binding of Ca-2+ to the two Ca-2+-specific binding sites in Tn but does not require binding of Ca-2+ to the Ca-2+-Mg-2+ sites.