Gas chromatographic method for assessing the dermal exposure of greenhouse applicators to dimethoate and malathion

An analytical method is developed to determine potential and actual dermal exposure to dimethoate and malathion for agricultural workers using whole body dosimetry. The methodology described includes three different aspects: the validation of the analytical method incorporating a matrix effect for establishing performance parameters such as recovery rates (between 92% and 103% for both pesticides), limits of detection and quantitation, and precision of measurements (RSD < 10%); a field sampling strategy developing a procedure for collecting samples and carrying out field spikes and field blanks in order to ensure the stability of samples during transport, storage, and analysis; and finally, a quality control procedure for ensuring that data are under statistical control. The method is applied to evaluate the potential and actual dermal exposure as well as its distribution for a pesticide applicator and the applicator’s assistant after a greenhouse application. Operator exposure levels of approximately 68 mL/h, and 25 mL/h in the case of the assistant, are found. The body areas most exposed are the lower body and hands.