Activity-dependent enhancement of presynaptic facilitation provides a cellular mechanism for the temporal specificity of classical conditioning in Aplysia.

A hallmark of many forms of classical conditioning is a precise temporal specificity: Learning is optimal when the conditioned stimulus (CS) slightly precedes the unconditioned stimulus (US), but the learning is degraded at longer or backward intervals, consistent with the notion that conditioning involves learning about predictive relationships in the environment. To further examine the cellular mechanisms contributing to the temporal specificity of classical conditioning of the siphon-withdrawal response in Aplysia, we paired action potential activity in siphon sensory neurons (the neural CS) with tail nerve shock (the US) at three critical time points. We found that CS-US pairings at short (0.5 sec) forward intervals produced greater synaptic facilitation at sensorimotor connections than did either 0.5-sec backward pairings or longer (5 sec) forward pairings, as reflected in a differential increase in both the amplitude and rate of rise of the synaptic potential. In the same preparations, forward pairings also differentially reduced the sensory neuron afterhyperpolarization relative to backward pairings, suggesting that changes in synaptic efficacy were accompanied by temporally specific changes in ionic currents in the sensory neurons. Additional experiments demonstrated that short forward pairings of sensory cell activity and restricted applications of the neuromodulatory transmitter serotonin (normally released by the US) differentially enhanced action potential broadening in siphon sensory neurons, relative to backward pairings. Taken together, these results suggest that temporally specific synaptic enhancement engages both spike-width-dependent and spike-width-independent facilitatory processes and that activity-dependent enhancement of presynaptic facilitation may contribute to both the CS-US sequence and proximity requirements of conditioning.

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