Satellite Rendezvous Terminal Guidance System

The terminal guidance system concept presented here is suitable for a variety of space rendezvous missions, such as the interrogation and possible negation of enemy satellites, maintenance and supply of space stations, and performance of space rescue. A distinguishing feature of this system is the intermittent instrumentation of the interceptor trajectory corrections. The velocity corrections tha t are made to the interceptor vehicle to achieve rendezvous are divided into two orthogonal channels. Each channel commands velocity corrections by intermittent operation of the constant thrust engine associated with tha t channel. The orthogonality of the channels is maintained by the at t i tude control system. The interceptor closing rate is controlled by the longitudinal channel and the lateral velocity of the interceptor by the normal velocity channel. A complete t reatment of the interchannel coupling effects is given, since these effects determine the parameters of the longitudinal channel. The optimization procedures employed in the design concept to achieve rendezvous in the minimum time consistent with a small fuel requirement are also discussed in detail. The logic employed in the terminal guidance system is relatively simple and easily mechanized.