A Systematic Study on Octocorallia in Kora: 6. Holaxonia (Gorgonacea)

A systematic study of Korean holaxonians was done with specimens from 15 localities in the coastal seas of Korea for the period of 1965 though 1978. The holaxonians identified in the present study turned out to be 15 species representing seven genera in three familes. They were all new to the Korean gorgonarian fauna: Anthoplexaura dimorpha; Euplexaura anastomosans; E. abietina; E. crassa; E. recta; Ellisella maculata; E. rubra; E. limbaughi; Verrucella umbraculum; v. stellata; Primnoa reseda pacifica; Callogorgia pseudoflabellum; Plumarella spinosa; P. rigida; P. adhaerens.