Since Internet became in the last years the biggest source of information, the book concept has been dramatically redefined, especially in terms of separating of its content and the related support. Practically, when using the electronic media, a book could take a different look - the electronic book (e-book). Due to their widely spread in the last period, the e-books are one of the most effective ways to support distance learning (e-learning), as they can be read by thousands of readers.
Due to the fact that the teachers have limited time for participating to the face-to-face training programmes, the e-books became an important tool for promoting different training courses organized in the frame of various projects. It was also the case of the three years Socrates-Comenius 2.1 European project “FISTE - A Future Way for In-Service Teacher Training across Europe” - code 118766-CP-1-2004-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21, when the partnership organized the on-line courses entitled “Integrated ICT in Traditional Training” and “ECSUT: Educational Challenges & Solutions in Using ICT” [1]. The best practices and experiences of the teachers who achieved the on-line courses were collected and help the partnership to design a web-guideline entitled “Best Practices Guideline for Educational Use of ICT Tools” as a final output of the project. The content of the European course and the web-guideline have been produced as an e-book format by using Desktop Author software application. In this sense, the paper aims to present the most important features proposed by Desktop Author software during the design process of the mentioned ebooks, together with the main facets presented by the related e-volumes.