Lighten UP! A Community-Based Group Intervention to Promote Eudaimonic Well-Being in Older Adults: A Multi-Site Replication with 6 Month Follow-Up

ABSTRACT Objectives: Eudaimonic well-being (EWB), increasingly recognized as a critical component of health, typically declines in later life, and there are no existing programs to sustain or increase EWB in older adults. Lighten UP! is an 8-week program to promote EWB through facilitated group sessions in community settings and at-home practice. Building on earlier pilot research, the current study assessed the effect of the Lighten UP! Program using a longitudinal, multi-site design. Methods: Men and women (N = 169) aged 60 and over were recruited from three Wisconsin communities. EWB, life satisfaction, depression, and diverse aspects of health were assessed before and after the program and at 6-month follow up. Results: Participants reported significantly increased EWB; these changes were maintained 6 months later. The specific EWB domains of self-acceptance, positive relations, and personal growth showed the most robust gains. Participants also showed significant and sustained declines in depressive symptoms, anxiety, and hostility. Conclusions: Lighten UP! Program confirmed its positive effects for enhancing EWB in older adults living in multiple community settings. Clinical Implications: Programs that sustain or enhance EWB in older adults can be expected to yield improvements in diverse aspects of mental and physical health.

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