The influence of rice bacterial leaf blight (BLB) disease incidence on yield and quality of Nampyung, Gang-baek and Iksan493 was investigated in three areas, Gimje, Yeongam and Jangheung, frequently found BLB infested rice. The infection rate of Nampyung, susceptible to BLB disease, was higher () than Gang-baek () and Iksan493 (), have resistant gene Xa7 and xa5, respectively. BLB disease incidence was severely found in Gimj and then yield of Nampyung was reduced 65% (352 kg/10a) compared to Iksan493 (540 kg/10a) due to the decrease in the ripen grain filling, brown/rough ratio and 1,000 grain weight. There was no difference of rice yield among Nampyung, Gangbaek and Iksan493 in Yeongam and Jangheung. The occurrence time of disease in Yeongam and Jangheung was later than Gimje and BLB disease was less infected in these areas. BLB infected rice grain showed inferior grain appearance and taste index to sound grain. independent of rice with resistant gene. In Yeongam and Jangheung, Gangbaek and Iksan493 cultivated showed lower ratio of white color to belly than Nampyung. Iksan493 showed better grain appearance and lower ratio of white core to belly than Gangbaek. In protein content of rice grain, the range of Gangbaek and Iksan493 was , but Nampyung showed unstable ranged from undetermined to 9.0%.
S. Heu,et al.
Dynamics of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Populations in Korea and Their Relationship to Known Bacterial Blight Resistance Genes.
A. Reddy.
Relationship of Bacterial Leaf Blight Severity to Grain Yield of Rice
A. Reddy.
Relationship Between Nitrogen Fertilization, Bacterial Leaf Blight Severity, and Yield of Rice
H. E. Kauffman,et al.
Potential Yield Losses in Dwarf Rice Varieties due to Bacterial Blight in India
S. Wakimoto,et al.
Epidemiology and Control of Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice