An Enlisted Personnel Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Policy Analysis Model.

Abstract : The purpose of this research is to develop an analytical capability that allows personnel managers and analysts at the U.S. Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM) to rapidly assess impact of policy change. This first effort provides a "proof of principle" discrete event simulation of a crucial aspect of personnel policy and management: the permanent change of station or PCS move. PCS moves cost the Department of Defense over $1 billion annually; these moves dramatically affect overall readiness of our forces. Current models are static and based on steady-state assumptions that are no longer valid in a Army that continues to downsize. Current models require weeks of lead time to effect policy analysis. Analysts at PERSCOM must often rely on heuristic and ad hoc approaches to address proposed policy change. In this proof of principle", we focus on one military occupational skill (MOS), the Air Defense Patriot Crewmember, and model PCS moves from continental and out-of-continent moves, for both training (TDA) units and operational (TOE) units. We further stratify the analysis by considering the following events: promotion, demotions, attrition, orders processing, and actual movement. ProModel software provides the platform for model development and implementation. This model will allow personnel managers to quickly modify Time-on-Station requirements or fill priorities. The managers can then determine the effects of such changes by comparing the results of the simulation runs with those of the base case runs. Preliminary results indicate that the simulation model adequately represents both promotions and PCS moves at five installations and for the total TDA units.