This paper evaluates some of the costs of using gun control to reduce the homicide rate. However, gun control did not have to be the medium to carry the theme of the paper. Any social policy would have sufficed because any social policy to affect any behavior in society will have costs associated with it. I would like to discuss what some of those costs might be to pursue gun control as a social policy. I choose gun control as a policy to discuss for two reasons. First, I am familiar with the literature and research on gun control. But second and more important, gun control seems to be a sacred cow. For many it seems to be a policy with many benefits and few if any costs. Of course, gun control like any other policy, has its costs. It is just that until very recently we have not attempted to evaluate those costs and to examine this sacred cow. Policy initiatives take time, they have costs and they frequently fail. Because of this, a policy analyst must think through any policy, evaluate possible costs and outcomes regardless of how appealing the policy might seem at first glance. Once costs and possible outcomes have been evaluated, we can decide if we are willing to pay the costs necessary to pursue the policy. Or we may wish to abandon the policy because the possible outcomes, which were initially hidden, are unacceptable.
G. Kleck.
Policy Lessons From Recent Gun Control Research
D. McDowall,et al.
Colin Loftin,et al.
"One With A Gun Gets You Two": Mandatory Sentencing and Firearms Violence in Detroit
David J. Bordua,et al.
PATTERNS OF LEGAL FIREARMS OWNERSHIP: A Cultural and Situational Analysis of Illinois Counties
Colin Loftin,et al.
Mandatory Sentencing and the Abolition of Plea Bargaining: The Michigan Felony Firearm Statute
Franklin E. Zimring,et al.
The Medium Is the Message: Firearm Caliber as a Determinant of Death from Assault
The Journal of Legal Studies.