The Biology of phagocytes in health and disease
(partial) Behaviour of phagocyte locomotion: Membrane adherence molecules involved in phagocyte emigration, J M Beatty et al. Cell shape, movement and chemokinesis, H U Keller et al. Phagocytosis, degranulation and oxygen metabolism of phagocyte: Neutrophil function during an inflammatory reaction, G Briheim et al. Biochemical, functional and clinical aspects of hereditary human myeloperoxidase deficiency, P Cramer et al. Biochemistry of membrane activation and signal transduction: Effects of arachidonic acid on phagocytic cell function, P A J Henricks et al. Protein kinase C involvement in neutrophil function, J T O'Flaherty & J Nishihi a. Pharmacological and cell-cell interaction: Leukotrienes and granulocytes, a review, J Palmblad. Ion transport regulation by cyclic AMP in mouse macrophages, C Galli et al. Monoclonal antibodies and phagocyte function: Effect of polyclonal antibody against human interleukin 1 on natural killer cell activity, P Conti et al. Clinical aspects of phagocyte function. Neutrophil aggregation: present and perspective in medical pathology, G Ricevuti. Functional defects of phagocytes in hemophilic patients at risk of AIDS, G Gamba et al. Subject index. Author index.