AbstractDefine a cylinder to be a family of languages which is closed under inverse homomorphisms and intersection with regular sets. A number of well-known families of languages are cylinders:—CFL, the family of context-free languages, is a principal cylinder, i.e. the smallest cylinder containing a languageLO described in [6].—the family of deterministic context-free languages is proved to be a nonprincipal cylinder in [7].—the family of unambiguous context-free languages is a cylinder: to prove that it is not principal seems to be a very hard problem.
In this paper we prove that Lin, the family of linear context-free languages, is a nonprincipal cylinder. This is achieved in the standard way by exhibiting a sequence of languages Sn, n∈N, such that Lin is the union of all the principal cylinders generated by these languages and is not the union of any finite number of these cylinders.This leaves open the problem raised by Sheila Greibach of whether there exists a languageL such that every linear context-free language is the image ofL in some inverse gsm mapping.
Seymour Ginsburg,et al.
Uniformly Erasable AFL
J. Comput. Syst. Sci..
Luc Boasson,et al.
Langages Algebriques, Paires Iterantes et Transductions Rationnelles
Theor. Comput. Sci..
Joseph S. Ullian,et al.
Ambiguity in context free languages
Maurice Nivat,et al.
Sur diverses familles de langages fermées par transduction rationnelle
Acta Informatica.
William F. Ogden,et al.
A helpful result for proving inherent ambiguity
Mathematical systems theory.
Sheila A. Greibach,et al.
Jump PDA's and Hierarchies of Deterministic Context-Free Languages
SIAM J. Comput..
Ivan Hal Sudborough,et al.
A Note on Tape-Bounded Complexity Classes and Linear Context-Free languages
Seymour Ginsburg,et al.
The mathematical theory of context free languages
Sheila A. Greibach,et al.
The Hardest Context-Free Language
SIAM J. Comput..