Putting the PC in IQ: Images in the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale – Third Edition (WAIS III)

Images, as a form of discourse, have an ideological dimension. The third edition of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale contains images revised so as to make them more ecologically valid and relevant for contemporary test takers. It is argued that the revisionists have to deal with various ideological issues so as to not make these scenes provocative. However, is it possible to produce images that are ideologically sensitive without undermining relevance and ecological validity? This question is addressed by analysing the images using the concept of 'positionings' and the social categories of race, gender and class. Strategies are thus articulated that introduce political correctness but may undermine the explicit goals of the revisionists. In response, the notion of 'narrative validity' is suggested, which refers to the comprehension of contemporary rhetorical strategies used to sidestep ideological tensions. Given this, test-wiseness takes on an ideological nuance in that test takers require a degree of familiarity with these strategies so as to effectively engage with these sub-tests. The use of the WAIS III in South Africa is consequently discussed.