Integrating low-temperature methanol synthesis and CO2 sequestration technologies: application to IGCC plants

Abstract Coupling a low-temperature once-through methanol synthesis process with CO 2 separation technology would provide an option for integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants to address the CO 2 mitigation issue and also create the capability to utilize methanol as a peak-shaving fuel. Data are presented that show that several nickel complexes activated by alkoxide bases catalyze facile synthesis of methanol from synthesis gas (primarily a mixture of CO and H 2 ) in homogeneous liquid phase under mild conditions of temperature ( 2 mitigation. The potential of this low-temperature methanol synthesis approach is considered in light of the recent advances in CO 2 sequestration technologies. A successful development of this technology may also provide an atom-economical pathway to transport remote natural gas in the form of methanol, a liquid energy-carrier.