CD39 expression by regulatory T cells drives CD8+ T cell suppression during experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection

An imbalance between suppressor and effector immune responses may preclude cure in chronic parasitic diseases. In the case of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, specialized regulatory Foxp3+ T (Treg) cells suppress protective type-1 effector responses. Herein, we investigated the kinetics and underlying mechanisms behind the regulation of protective parasite-specific CD8+ T cell immunity during acute T. cruzi infection. Using the DEREG mouse model, we found that Treg cells play a critical role during the initial stages after T. cruzi infection, subsequently influencing CD8+ T cells. Early Treg cell depletion increased the frequencies of polyfunctional short-lived, effector T cell subsets, without affecting memory precursor cell formation or the expression of activation markers. In addition, Treg cell depletion during early infection minimally affected the antigen-presenting cell response but it boosted CD4+ T cell responses before the development of anti-parasite effector CD8+ T cell responses. Crucially, the absence of CD39 expression on Treg cells significantly bolstered effector parasite-specific CD8+ T cell responses, leading to improved parasite control during T. cruzi infection. Our work underscores the crucial role of Treg cells in regulating protective anti-parasite immunity and provides evidence that CD39 expression by Treg cells represents a key immunomodulatory mechanism in this infection model.

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