Tailoring an Interferometer to its Science and Vice Versa

In the process of planning for the CHARA Array, the science/technical team devoted significant effort to exploring possible science objectives over a broad range of astronomical fields, from solar system bodies to extragalactic objects. In this analysis, we attempted to define a scientific figure of merit for each of the various science areas based upon the optimum wavelength regime, median magnitude of the object class, representative angular size, minimum required integration time, and structural complexity as it relates to requirements for imaging rather than visibility analysis. These quantities were incorporated into a feasibility estimate that was then combined with our estimate of scientific priority to define a figure of overall merit. This rather elaborate and admittedly subjective analysis clarified the role the CHARA Array will play in high resolution astronomical imaging. It also clearly demonstrated the unlikelihood that any single interferometric array will have the breadth of capability to cover the rich scientific opportunities that lay before us.