This paper describes a mature Software Engineering Process that may be applied to capstone courses, student projects, and research projects in a university environment. This process, based in part on the Team Software Process of the Software Engineering Institute, features mature software engineering best practices, including extensive use of metrics to gain insight into process effectiveness and product quality. It is designed to be executed in a single 16-week semester, and it can easily be modified for a longer time frame. It is also designed for the academic culture: (1) it executes as a communicating sequential process running in parallel with and passing information to a series of in-class course presentations and (2) it takes into account that the students cannot devote full time to this one project. This process is independent of the computer language used and any project-specific technology (so it may be applied to software-only projects, robotics projects, smart device projects, embedded programming projects, and any other kind of software-intensive system project). This process is reusable without modification, or it may be tailored. To support tailoring, the process is described using meta data in a format that may be analyzed by automated tools to generate a hypertext document. This process has been tested by using it in a capstone course.
A. T. Chamillard,et al.
The software engineering capstone: structure and tradeoffs
Richard Conn.
A reusable, academic-strength, metrics-based software engineering process for capstone courses and projects
Watts S. Humphrey,et al.
Introduction to the Team Software Process
Peter J. Denning,et al.
Great principles of computing
S. B. Kiselev,et al.
The capability maturity model: guidelines for improving the software process
Carl Alphonce,et al.
Benefits of using socially-relevant projects in computer science and engineering education
Watts S. Humphrey,et al.
A discipline for software engineering
Series in software engineering.
Richard L. Conn.
Developing Software Engineers at the C-130J Software Factory
IEEE Softw..