Study on the stability of the Abbey of San Costanzo al Monte(Cuneo, Italy)

A discussion on the structural behaviour and stability of the Abbey of San Costanzo al Monte, a unique and valuable building dating back to the 8th or 9th century. In order to undertake a restoration project aimed at strengthening the structure and bringing it back within reasonable safety parameters, a study was carried out to identify needs and the state of stability. The history of the building is filled with plunders, hostility and eventual neglect. By 1800 the Abbey was deconsecrated and subsequently fell into a state of total disrepair. Despite advanced deterioration, it has retained all of its original masonry, though large parts of the roof are missing, the building has been exposed to centuries of weathering, and it is located in an area of medium seismic activity. Numerical models have been applied by the authors to determine dead weight and spatial behaviour. Areas of extensive stress have been revealed, affecting arches and the pilasters of the dome. Furthermore, structural inadequacy has caused fragmentation of the masonry. The authors conclude that restoration is necessary and that a system of thrusts should be devised that will not alter the aesthetics of the building.